Monday 22 February 2010

Now what have i done!

'We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.' ~Frederick Keonig

oh god...why have i just decided to create a blog.
is it my boredom? curiosity? or a chance to talk about nothing and blabber on about my own life, as if this was my own personal diary?
NO is the answer to these, i decided to create one, (if anyone was interested that is) to show my views on different issues. i thought hrmmm shall i talk about the world in general? blabber about politics and the environment and say how society is crashing to the ground infront of later generations eyes?
well, i guess i could, but news really isn't me, and then having to watch the news made my eyes roll till i thought, what else do i love? LIFE!
life in general is supposed to be happy, wow know i sound like im trying to win an election :S
but anyway i thought, lets talk about happy things, about culture how it is, like jokes, music, fashion, amazing stories about good deeds and anything i think interests me and needs writing about.

As to be honest, who NEEDS to hear about unhappy things in the world?

Lottie X

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